Quantum Osteo® is not osteopathy, osteopathic manual medicine (OMM), osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) or osteopathic medicine (DO), even if certain aspects have a convergence of ideas or point of view.
Quantum Osteo®, Australian Bush Flower Essences®, Covid19 Vaccine Removal Healing, Vaccine Shedding Healing and Pet Healing are supportive energy therapies only and do not provide medical guarantees nor diagnose or act as a substitute for registered medical or mental health advice, treatment or prescribed medication, and do not provide religious, legal or financial advice.
If symptoms or concerns persist always seek advice from your doctor or registered professional regarding your specific health situation.
The information, products and services presented in this website are for general interest purposes only. Specific outcomes are not guaranteed.
No liability is accepted for any injury, loss or damage caused by use of, or information provided in this website.
Testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences in this website are illustrative only. They are not intended to represent in whole or part nor guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results.